Almost There

anna shamshurina
2 min readOct 6, 2021


It’s been several days since we, the Webers, left the country that held no future for us. Right now, in this moment, I’m sure everyone on the ship is thinking and feeling the same thing: hope. My husband and I pray that here, in America, our son will be able to have a normal life, free from the horrors of Germany. The foundation of this Land of Opportunity is freedom, and that is freedom we seek. Back there, there’s nothing but the haunting shadows of the past. Even now, as we’re about to disembark, I feel its breath behind my back. But I’m not looking around, I’m only looking forward — to a life full of happiness, adventures, and, possibly, success. All of that is out of reach in our home country: we don’t have a high social status, don’t have the money to raise our boy in a way he deserves, we defy the government and feel contempt for it. We don’t respect it as it doesn’t respect its citizens.

Here, we have a chance for a new life, we can start from scratch. Maybe, one day we’ll be able to feel like we belong here, among these people. I know it isn’t going to be easy, assimilating in a new culture, but we’ll try. We’ll be feeling lost, feel like the journey didn’t worth it, but in the end, I believe, all the hard work is going to pay off. We’re willing to do anything in our power, move mountains if necessary, to finally live our dream life.

100 people are about to step their foot in America for the first time. We’re looking at the sun glares on the water. It is warm and the air feels different here. Together, we hope that it is going to be a good day, a good week, and a good life.



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