Movies, Movies, Movies

anna shamshurina
3 min readMar 4, 2021


Watching movies is definitely not my thing. They’re too long for me and I get distracted all the time. That’s why I prefer TV shows, I’d rather watch a ten-episode season than one movie. I don’t look for a message, for me watching something is just a way to escape reality and a form of entertainment. However, I do love pictures that abound in symbolism, details and motifs.

Also, can I just put it out there that I’m not a very picky person when it comes to films. I mean, when I watch any movie, I genuinely enjoy it. it’s only when I see poor reviews, I get all surprised to find out that the movie isn’t that good at all. Sorry for liking it, I guess.

All that aside, let’s talk about some particular movies and why I selected them.

A) A film that got rave reviews but which you were disappointed by. For me it’s La La Land (2016). Everyone just keeps bragging about how amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before this musical drama film is, but I just don’t see it. I’ve started to watch it so many times because Emma Stone is the lead and I like her, but I just can’t bring myself into it. I’m sure it IS all the things listed, it’s simply not for me. All I know about this film, besides Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling playing the main characters, is that’s it’s a musical about star crossed lovers that has a super confusing ending. I truly hope I get to enjoy it one day.

B) A film you didn’t think you’d like, but which you really enjoyed. This one goes to Spirited Away (2001), a Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki. I’m generally not a fan of anime and don’t watch it but this one’s a classic and is going down in history. I have to admit I got completely enamored of this story, and even though I barely rewatch movies, Spirited Away really got me. That’s why I’m always genuinely thrilled to press the play button. It lifts up my spirits when I’m down as it reminds me that our lives have meaning and are significant though we’re drifting on a small rock compared to the size of the universe.

C) A film that you really liked but which your friends didn’t enjoy. It is a 1939 historical romance film Gone with the Wind directed by Victor Fleming. First of all, I relish the novel with everything I have so it was reasonable for me to watch the movie adaptation too. This movie surpassed my expectations 100%. The story itself is touching, tragic and so remarkable. I’d been encouraging my friends to watch it for a long time: their excuse was that the movie was too old. When they did, they told me there was nothing appealing in this story. Well, if I hadn’t known anything about the American Civil War or read the book, I wouldn’t have either. They didn’t know anything about the beginnings of KKK, the abolition of slavery and the losses that American people suffered so couldn’t really understand the movie. Moreover, I want to highlight the performance of the great Vivien Leigh who managed to accurately portray the complexity of Scarlett’s character. Anyway, I just wish my friends had enjoyed this movie as much as I did.

Thank you for your time,




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