anna shamshurina
2 min readOct 1, 2018

Wait,what should I write here?

Hello. My name is Olivia. If you do not mind I will take your time to tell you about myself. I am sorry about it, but I just want to find new friends.

So as I have already said my name is Olivia and the last name is Paul. I do not really like my name but let’s deal with it. I was born in the very small town called Stillwater, Minnesota. I am 16 years old. I am sitting in my birthday party right now, but no one came here. My best friend is the Internet where I can post whatever I want and no one will ever know who did it because I never post my own photos ( but I never post something bad about someone I am a good girl).

My favorite school subject is history. One day I will be an archaeologist — this is my biggest dream.

To be honest, I do not even like this life I am living : I am so tired of my mother, because she never believes in me and she says that archaeologist is not a profession. She wants me to live a normal and typical life. But you know, I never wanted to live like this. And no one understands me in this country so I am always alone. But I do love America though and I want to move to Chicago I do not know why, just because.

When I have leisure time (always) I spend it with my big big Labrador: his name is Archie. He is a good boy. Also I am fond of writing some stories about everything. My favorite quote from a book is : ‘Go where your passion leads you’ But I still do have a ‘C’ in English. I am really trying to do my best as you can see, but haha poor me.

I did not want to give you my address, because I am so shy, but then I thought ‘Why not?’ nobody reads this anyway. So here is my address 44 Myrtle Street West, Stillwater, MN.

Please, please text me but only if you want of course. It would make my whole day better. I can not share more of my personal information here, because it is all about safety. But you always can text me (:

That is it. I have nothing more to say. Thank you for reading. It is really important to me.

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