1 min readFeb 11, 2019
sports games that i don’t understand
i’ve watched some videos about sports.
- Lacrosse. it is America’s first (Native Americans played it) and fastest growing sport. there are two types of it: men’s lacrosse and women’s lacrosse. in men’s version stick contact is allowed, there are 10 players on the field from each team and players should have a massive equipment to play. in women’s version stick contact is not allowed, there are 12 players on the field from each team and no special equipment is needed.
- Rugby. each team has 15 players on the field(which is a lot but the field is 100 meters long). players divided in two groups: forwards (they move the team up the field) and backs (they are running players who scores). the interesting thing is that all passes have to be thrown backwards otherwise is against the rules. i think it is a difficult game and the rules are tricky. i thought football and rugby were similar but now i know they’re not.
- Cricket. Any person can play the game. there are two teams of 11 players in each team. it’s kind of like baseball but baseball rules are more difficult and i’d say boring. an innings is one of the divisions during which one team takes its turn to bat. here are some positions in the game: bowler — a person who throws a ball. batsmen or batswomen — a person who scores the runs when it’s their turn to bat. there are many positions of players and every person does their specific work.