Tattoos and Piercings — Unprofessional?
Many people, especially old and close-minded individuals who can’t mind their own business, argue that tattoos and piercings are unprofessional in any work environment, unless, well, you work as a tattoo master, that they discontentedly allow.
One summer I, a person with many tattoos on my arm, struggled to find work because employers thought I didn’t know how to do my job simply because of what was permanently sitting on my arm. They judge you, thinking you’re a gang member of a sort, without even giving you a chance. If you think about it, that’s only hurting their business, they can’t really cherry pick their employees. Moreover, my child, that I’d dropped out of university for, had gotten sick with anemia and I couldn’t afford her medicine, so we were extremely desperate. I practically begged for work, for anything, as we were barely making ends meet. When I finally had managed to find employment, I was forced into wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and in 100 degrees weather too. Do you know what it’s like to work under the Arizona blazing sun? It’s horrible, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, really. The Arizona government should make sure every work place is equipped with ACs. Of course, THEY don’t find it necessary as they’re sitting in their well-conditioned, built with tax-payers money offices. Wearing that shirt, I told them I’d leave and sue them because they were violating my freedom, however, that didn’t work out.
It’s almost embarrassing how employers are scared that the people in question will spend all their earned money on more tattoos and piercings, thus damaging their company’s reputation more. As if the customers even cared about all of that. In my humble opinion, anything that doesn’t include hate or offensive content should be allowed and okay.
I’m encouraging people to continue wearing their tattoos and piercings with pride, like, for example, many A-list celebrities do. Why does nobody shame them? And they still want to talk about equal society. We won’t be able to reach it when some of us are being discriminated and considered criminals for having tattoos, piercings, and sometimes even unusually colored hair.
In conclusion, this social custom needs to retire and go back right where it belongs — in the past.