this semester

anna shamshurina
2 min readApr 4, 2019


hi. these last few weeks have been really hard for me. do you know this feeling when you feel like you’re not doing great and that you’re missing something? well, this is a short description of my last few weeks. last week i tried so bad to do things in advance but it seems like that the more i try , the more i fail.

there are some positive things. i remember that at the beginning of this semester in my Wheel of a Successful Semester i wrote that i wanted to read as many books as possible but at the same time to communicate with people more. well, at least the books part is doing great.

another goal i’ve set to myself was eating healthy, and, eating in general. i’ve always had some nutrition problems because sometimes i can forget that i have to eat. my mother used to control that but now i live alone so i have to do it myself. to be honest, i still need to work on it but i have to because it is a real problem that can harm my health.

also, i’m still trying to find some time and energy for learning other languages. i just can’t study only English, there is always supposed to be something else, or i’ll go crazy. i mean i love english and everything but we can study other languages or, i don’t know, biology at the same time. i think this is so great.

i have no idea how i am going to pass the latin exam or the literature exam (the english exam as well) and this thought terrifies me. i just really hope i won’t be expelled.

so, is it shaping to be a good semester? i don’t know. i think for me it is always not really good and not really bad, something in the middle. i can’t decide. this is another goal for me.



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